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Finding Light in the Dark

Without a doubt, the times are dark right now. In a world that has gone mad with hate and bigotry, that is looking to devolve to a darker time in history, the question becomes: how do we cope?
Recent posts

So, I Bobbed my Apple

It had been on my mind for a while and when an opportunity came up in the Fall to get a consultation for a tracheal shave, I decided to move forward.

It's very hard

It's a lot to take in, you know? I don't even live in the United States, but I know what happens there soon happens here.

It never occured to me

 I'm a year and two thirds post-GCS and I have been battling vulvodynia for a while. It's been worse in the few days after dilation and then usually starts to ease up. What was causing it, it seems, is what surprised me.

Back to school season

In Canada, back to school starts after Labour Day, the first Monday in September. In past years I don't know that I would have given it much thought, but this year it's a little different.

Normal. It feels normal.

A question came up in my Discord server recently that, initially, I felt was very hard to answer and then I realized what it was: normal.

Sunday Thoughts

Life has been busy lately and part of me is wondering how it got there!