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Shopping Online as Joanne

Ever wondered how to shop online as your lovely self? There's a way and it's called, in the credit card industry, the authorized user. What is that you say? It's simple...

An authorized user is basically a second card on your account where you simply need to provide some basic information, such as first, last, date of birth, and the like, but don't specifically have to provide additional identity information. Why? Because the credit is still only extended to the primary card holder, they're just authorizing another person to make use of it and thus they still hold liability. That means that the credit card issuer doesn't care and doesn't have a legal obligation, known as KYC, to confirm.

So, needless to say, I have a credit card as lil' ole me, set up with Paypal as well, that lets me shop online for lots of clothing, shoes, and other feminine products as Joanne and have them sent to my home address. For spendier items, where you need a signature, just take the time to authorize your gallant half to do the pickup.

Happy shopping!


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