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Transgender Day of Visibility 2021

Every year, on March 31st, we celebrate the lives and achievements of trans people around the world. It's a day for those of us who are visible to tell our stories and, more importantly, to be visible for those who cannot be.

For anyone in the trans community, I don't think it would escape notice that the anti-trans forces are in full array in the United States and United Kingdom. From the myriad of anti-trans sports and health bills in the US to failure of the British government to act on its promises and revert their behaviour, the already transphobic media is having a field day debating our rights.

We have this day because we need it. We need to be visible, loud, and present because, without it, we will surely always face a world that will continuously seek to erode our rights and eliminate us. We need to be visible for those who cannot be, usually in their shells as a function of the fear and hate directed at us for existing. We need to be visible because the fight we face is not just for us.

So, despite my desire to fade into a nice, obscure, life I am forced to be an activist. 

I am forced to be visible. 

Maybe one day I won't have to be.

Still, I will celebrate this day. I will take joy in the myriad of posts on social media that my trans and non-binary siblings post. We need that love and happiness more than ever and despite it all, I would still not turn my clock back on all the joy and love of life my own transition has brought me. I will smile.



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