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Gender Reveal Parties

What a curious notion, the gender reveal party...

I hadn't ever actually encountered this concept of a gender reveal party until recently when I happened across an etiquette question on Toronto Life about skipping such a party. While I generally agree with the response, I think it missed an important point: they're still not revealing the gender of the child.

As anyone in the trans community will tell you, the answer to the gender question isn't entirely rooted in the chromosomes of the child. Sure, for the majority, they line up, for some, they do not, and they do not line up as they are on a spectrum. In other words, I think until the child is able to articulate for themselves, you should probably just let it all develop naturally.

Add to that, as I looked into it, my instant reaction to most of the ideas for the parties was, "whoa, stereotyping much?" We really need to get past the blue/pink, rifles/ruffles, and other nonsense around gender and just let kids find their way.


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