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The history of nail polish is an interesting one; it goes back many thousands of years and was once worn by both genders. Today? It's very much a feminine choice and, while sometimes worn by men, it's not terribly common.

I don't often wear polish on my fingernails, primarily because I don't dress feminine for extended periods of time and it seems like a fair bother if it's just for a few hours. However, I wear toenail polish almost all the time.

This past week, though, I was on vacation and that vacation included extended time with my larger family. So, off came the toenail polish for what seemed a very long, and very less colourful, week. That time is past and a new coat of polish once again adorns my toes.

What's interesting, though, is I wonder how many might have said something should they have seen my colourful toes? I didn't stop shaving my legs, they're pretty obviously hairless, and nobody has commented yet. At this point, I almost have to assume that at least half of them have guessed and that the other half have missed the obvious. After all, I also have long hair and multiple ear piercings.

In any case, it's these simple pleasures in my daily life that, I think, serve to contain my dysphoria a little bit. While it seems that my opportunities for full femme are not as frequent as I would like, there is also never a day that I'm actually full homme either.

That's something.


  1. Well said! I like that, and identify with it. You described me to a large degree, and I thank you. Sometimes I wonder why I still do this semi-androgynous look. You just told me why!


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