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I have hope

It may seem dark now, with all of the news of yet a another assault on the rights of LGTBQ people, but I have hope.

South of the border, there is a clear assault on the rights of transgender people, the latest salvo is the Trump administration allowing for outright discrimination through allowing employers to fire trans people for being trans. Here, in Canada, there is also a conservative movement that has gained strength on the back of the mess that is the United States. With all of that, how do I have hope? I think what we see today is the thrashing around of a dying animal: the social conservative.

In my office we have a young trans gal at the fairly early stages of her transition. She's very tall, lean, and still developing some of the characteristics that will help her in the future. She's a very brave young lady, I admire her, it is a difficult journey to be on. I also admire all the other young people at the office that have clearly, and openly, accepted her. I see no hidden laughter, no sideways looks, she joins them at lunch, at events, just another member of the group, her being trans a non-event.

It is that group of people that give me the most hope for the future.

P.S. Yes, another "me day" today too! I even did my nails again.


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