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I won't drink to that

I hit a major milestone this week, one that isn't specifically about my transition, but is definitely related to it and I am super excited because of it! Enough that I won't drink to it...

So, in previous posts I have commented about where I was with alcohol consumption prior to starting HRT in July. A major goal I had in this journey was to bring my consumption levels below the maximum recommended weekly intake for women, which is eight.

This week, for the first time since I graduated College, I am below that number. That is cause for celebration for me, because in one week I will have had seven drinks and, before July, that's a hair more than an average evening.

Now, I recognize that this is just a major signpost on a longer journey, but for me, the goal was to bring my consumption under control and turn from a daily need into an occasional treat. I think I am well on the way to making that happen.

Rather amazing what becoming happy in yourself can really do for you.


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Yes, I'm envious...

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