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A Little Disappointed and Recent Thoughts

I was looking forward to tomorrow, finally my first appointment to see a doctor to discuss HRT and, well, it's by phone. 😞

To be honest, I really didn't know what to expect with the appointment. I have spent a huge chunk of my life largely avoiding doctors because I was unwilling to engage in certain conversations at the time. Sure, I know many have seen just about everything, but your imagination can do wonders. So, needless to say, I had all kinds of ideas what may happen ranging from skipping home with a prescription in hand to knowing I have to wait for even more weeks and months for tests to come back.

When the clinic called today to tell me it would be by phone, because of COVID-19, it finally dawned on me that the first visit is probably just to get to know. Duh. Kind of makes sense. To that end, I suppose I'm quite happy that I didn't spend a couple of hours in driving time to only have that. However, I am disappointed.

Unrelated, I haven't posted in a while because I've really been struggling to come to terms with what is happening in the world. A reckoning is well overdue, we need to put an end to the systemic barriers holding back our sisters and brothers, and I'm still trying to learn how to help do that. This is a fight that can't go quiet again, though, as it is critical to make substantial and lasting change.

I'm also really heartbroken about the attacks on Transgender rights in the UK and US, but the events in the UK are especially heartbreaking to me. I have a real fondness for the UK, I have spent a large amount of time there, and the continued attacks by people like Rowling and the actions of the UK government just bother me greatly.

What has buoyed my spirits, however, is the recent US Supreme Court ruling on Title VII rights for LGBTQ+ people. While I don't expect miracles of a stacked conservative court, I am heartened that this vote was not split on ideological lines with a 6-3 decision and that the decision was written by a conservative. There is still a long way to go in the US, but this is a major step in the right direction.

I don't know what to make of this world right now, but I have hope for our youngest generations. That is, as they say, something.


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