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Pride 2020

It's Pride today.

This year's Pride is really different for me in a lot of ways...

It's been a strange year, to be really honest. It's hard to not discuss this in the context of everything that is going on, from massive fires in Australia, to a global pandemic, to the start of what need to be a real reckoning on race relations in the West, and everything in between.

In the backdrop of all that, we also have governments actively rolling back LGBTQ rights, with an emphasis on the T portion of that, or even creating actively discriminatory laws. We have famous authors, like JK Rowling, now openly transphobic and being quoted as a source of truth by legislators as they strip away Trans rights.

There is hope, though... As tough as it may seem, we are seeing a push back happening. Many young celebrities, with big voices, have come down strong on the side of LGBTQ and Trans people. The SCOTUS ruled that Federal anti-discrimination laws applied to LGBTQ status. A lot of work needs to be done, still, but it's steps forward when we need them badly.

And with all this happening, I have begun to finally draw peace with myself. I have been seeing a therapist, I have a doctor, blood tests are done... if all goes well, and there are no counter-indications, I will have a prescription for hormones in my hands in just over a week.

It's Pride today and I have one foot out of the closet. Next year, both feet should be firmly planted outside.

Happy Pride. It's a hard one this year, but we're stronger together.


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