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Little things mean a lot

There is definitely a certain truth to the notion that the little things in life can mean a great deal in the moment.

For a variety of reasons, not the least of which is for my insurance purposes, I have to register for voice therapy using my legal name. Okay, but the first thing that my voice coach did was capture my desired name and pronouns and, ever since, every email or message is addressed to me, Joanne.  I get a nice reminder, every Saturday addressed to Joanne, for my Tuesday appointment and that little thing, without fail, makes me happy every Saturday morning.

The other day, I finally got the notion to sort out my personal Mac, including login name, home directory, hostname, and the like. I also changed my login picture to a memoji of me. Now, what I see is Joanne. It's a little thing, really, but it makes me feel one step closer.

Yesterday seemed as though it was "package day" for us. It was like a non-stop parade of packages to the house, some from Amazon, some from Cricut, and others. One package, however, really caught my attention as it was from Lush and it was addressed to Joanne. My partner wanted to do something special for me, so she ordered a bunch of bath bombs from Lush (these are divine if you haven't used them) and, more importantly, she wanted to me to receive a package, in my proper name, that was initiated by someone other than me. That may seem like a little thing, but oh my, I definitely misted up. That felt really special to me, I was walking on air the rest of the day.

All of these are affirming to me, as much as physical changes are, in their own way. They warm my heart and I feel good about that.

Remember, little things can make big feelings. 

(Note: Yes, the drawing of the fox is mine, from a tutorial)


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