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6 Months!

Today marks the 6 month point on HRT which, for me, is a pretty significant way point on my journey.

I started my actual transition in a practical sense last March with my first therapy visit, but that moment in July, when I took my first dose, was the moment it all became real. Until then, there was a feeling that it could be snatched away from me, that something could get in the way, and that I hadn't truly started my transition. However, once I took that first pill, I was on my way.

The early days of HRT an opportunity to understand if they are right for you. All the changes in the first couple of months are basically internal (well, way less oily skin was pretty quick, but not going to complain about it!) and reversible. It's an opportunity to discover yourself and how you feel.

For me, it was clear in a couple of weeks that there was no turning the clock back. My mental and emotional state were much more together and that allowed me the ability to turn my attention to my physical health. The feeling that you get is really hard to explain, but it's like a switch flipped inside my head and suddenly a bunch of things just made sense. That is when I knew it was right.

So, here I am, 6 months in and now I look forward the future and my exciting journey to come. Happy HRTversary to me. 😉


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