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Freedom to be me

We talk about bringing your whole self to work, a lot, especially in my company and I have spent a lot of my past not doing that at all. That is over.

I've talked about my plans for fully coming out a few times already and now it is done! I am no longer hiding myself away, concealing the real me from those in my life and that is liberating in so many ways.

More importantly, I think, is that I have now opened the door for those around me to really get to know me, to see inside the real me. It's a little scary, I will admit, but it's very exhilarating. It's supremely tiring to masquerade continuously, I can tell you that. You carry a guard inside you at all moments, censoring your words and emotions to avoid exposing the real you. That is exhausting.

When you show up authentic, you create the space for others to do the same. Walk in your truth.

- Anonymous

I wish I could find the real source of this quote, but the sentiment is very resonating. As I've been meeting with friends, especially at work, I've been talking about this a lot. I know of a few of us, but statistics says there is likely others who were like me, hiding away and coping, or figuring it out. Maybe, just maybe, by showing up as the authentic me I will help someone else find their freedom because, as scary as it was to start the journey, the freedom to be me is well worth it.

After last Friday was all over, a friend asked me how I was feeling and I told her that I really do want to dance on the moon. She then told me, "Please dance all night and all the rest of your life."

So I will. 💜


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