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Nope, not going to watch it, going to learn it!

I am so excited, I signed for adult introduction to ballet and my first class is tonight!  Here's me, 55 years old, learning ballet. Woooooo!

I've had a fascination for ballet since a friend took me to see The Nutcracker many years ago, as a Christmas gift. I was enthralled by the dance and the grace and it was in my head for years after as something I'd love to be able to do.

For many reasons, not the least of which is that I would never want to dance the part they would have wanted of me back then, I never really got into the idea. Then recently, I started seeing ads on Facebook for it and decided to give it a go. I had no idea that it was even possible at my age, but sure enough, classes for the absolute beginner adult were being offered and how could I pass that up?

Now, a big part of why now is that I am much more healed from my GCS and, well, much more able to wear very tight fitting clothing than I would have preferred to do in the past. 

Now, I know that ballerina is often used for professional dancers, but hey, I can still call myself that in my head. So, off to dance! 💜 🩰


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