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I find Lilith fascinating

I'm not religious, but I find myself fascinated with the story of Lilith.

If you're not familiar with the story basically Lilith and Adam were created as the first woman and man from the Earth. All was well until Lilith refused to be obedient to Adam and lay beneath him.

"We are equal to each other inasmuch as we were both created from the Earth."

She then left the Garden of Eden and refused to return to be subservient. As a result, Eve was created for Adam to replace her. This tale is truly an indictment of men, though I doubt many men would put two and two together on that.

Lilith has appeared much in more recent history, as an icon on Feminism and feminine power and resolve. There is also a lesson to be learned from this tale: men will fight us to prevent equality. One need only look to the US to see the tale of Lilith playing out in real life.

[Note: The image is of a painting, Lilith (1889), by John Collier.]


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