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I'm awhirl!

You know that thing you've been waiting for your whole life and it always felt so far away? Imagine that it is suddenly, and very surprisingly, here.

This literally just happened to me today. At the end of November, I finished up with the last of my paperwork for my GCS and it was full steam ahead with the clinic. Then it was quiet. Now, to be very fair, it was also the holiday season, so you kind of expect that. Anyways, this past Tuesday, I figured I would email a quick note to check in.

That was a wise choice! By the end of the day, every loose end was tied up and the nurse informed me that I would hear from the team in a couple of weeks to schedule my date. I honestly was expecting for some time in the Fall, maybe late summer, but really thinking Septemberish. They called this morning and offered me February 13th. Galentine's Day!

How very apropos to have my day be Galentine's Day. Perfect really! The only day that would have been better would have been my birthday. Going forward, though, there will always be an extra happy feeling about Galentine's Day for me.

With all that, I am awhirl. I'm still processing that I am not only finally here, but that I am very suddenly finally here! The biggest, and most prevelant, emotion is elation. 25 years ago, I stood outside the walls of what was then the Clarke Institute and basically gave up hope, reading the brochures and talking to people, I didn't stand a chance of getting through then. Now, no longer needing to engage in the nasty gender stereotype performances the Clarke wanted, I am here.  

Now I need to organize and collect all of the after care products I need, book tickets, hotels, and all that. 

A month away. Wow. 

Happy Galentine's Day to me.


  1. Congratulations, it is indeed a big thing! my personal experience has been that not only did GCS give me everything I had hoped for, but much more as well.


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